The Author

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Study in Shahputra College, taking Sport Science & Recreation. This blog is for my college project. So this section is all about Sports.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mohon Maaf!

Ya Allah..lamanye ak x update blog!..gila kentang la!..haish!..sorry sgt kot..ngan class math nte 24/7!..mmg tepu la kan? xpela..ilmu kot!..nak seribu daya xnk seribu dalih!..lagipun nak final dh kot!..jangan nk berkira sgt la ngan class..hahaha..

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 2

29 Januari 2011

kami breakfast sebelum berangkat ke Tasik Chenderuh,Perak..makanan yg d hidangkan hanyala Nasi Lemak ngan air kotak..hahaha..but nasi lemak die power la jugak..boleh mengenyangkan sampai ke Tapah..hahaha..Kami bertolak ke Perak dri UiTM Shah Alam pd jam 10.30 pg..then berhenti seketika d RnR Tapah...perh..dlm bus dak Shahputra seorg je dlm bus UiTM tuh...dah Shahputra e2 adalah Farah Zakiah!!..perh,time dlm bus tu mmg tdo je la kan??..coz En.Mus ckp ambik masa untuk berehat sbb nnt smpi camp site mmg xd masa la rehat..lg 1 mmg xd geng nk diam je la..huhu..sampai je Tapah!..perh happy giler!!..coz dpat jumpa FADH,KUNA,KUZA n AEN..hahaha..mcm setahun je xjumpa kan?? mmg happy  sgt2 dpt jmp dieorg!!..selepas 1hour berhenti kat Tapah,perjalanan d teruskan..Kami smpi d Tanjung Harapan.Tasik Chenderuh pd pukul 2.30 ptg..smpi2 je kena berjalan sejauh 3km! smbil membawa beg yg berat!..perh..bapok r!..hahahhaa...dh la hujan! terpaksa la..smpi camp site kena plak wat camp craft..ak berjaya mendirikan 3 buah khemah!..hebat kan? kira ok la kan?coz sebelum2 ni xpernah pun pasang khemah!..hahahaha..hbs camp craft dlm kul 7.30..bersihkan diri...then solat n baca yassin...hahaha..bila mlm mengundang,mcm2 d pikiran ak..huhu..scary!..nsb bek xd pape..Alhamdulillah..lepas solat Isya',kami makan..makan dlam DULANG!..giler la..nasi pun xmcm nasi..huhuhu..sedih je...than mkn jela untuk dpatkan ATP!..hahaha...then kami dibahgi kepada kumpalan khemah..selepas itu kami d benarkan tido!..

Bermulanya D Sini !

28 Januari 2011

- Berkumpul d kolej jam 11 pagi..

- Settlekan brg2 yg perlu d bawa..

-  Me,Fadh,Kuna,Kuza,Ain & Yana jaga brg2 sementara dak2 laki g solat jumaat (* Laila xdpt d kenalpasti             die ade d mana..huhuhu.. )

- Kul 3 ade briefing sikit oleh Madam Su,Miss Mar,En.mus..xlupa jugak Ustaz Asmadi..

- Bacaan doa plak oleh Ustaz Epul..hak3..

- Jam 3.30 brulah bus bertolak..

- Berhenti rehat d RnR Temerloh..

- Tiba d UiTM Shah Alam jam 9.30mlm

- Dak2 UiTM Shah Alam & Jengka semua dah duduk..just dak Shahputra je yg blurr..xthu nk g mane..then bru la thu kena ddk kat dataran Kolej Kenanga tuh,coz ade briefing ckit..

- Makan2..then d briefing oleh Timbalan Dekan..

- Diberi kebebasan untuk berehat..

- Fuhhh..hari pertama masih selamat dari segala dendaan... =)

Its Tiring but Its Full with Benefit & its a fun learning process!!..

Act Outdoor Recreation Camp 2011 berlangsung d Tanjung Harapan.Tasik Chenderoh,Perak..Visi kem ni ialah " Explore Beyond Expectation " !!.. Tarikh : 28 Januari 2011 - 04 Febuari 2011...Its organized by Faculty of Sports Science and Recreation ( UiTM Shah Alam , UiTM Jengka , Shahputra University Collage & Instedt Collage )..

Mula2 tahu ade camp ni..SUMPAH !! xnk pergi..dengar cite2 org ckp mcm2 benda yg xelok time camp..perhh..Tuhan jela thu cmne perasaan time nk g camp ni..then,before pergi camp g shopping2 brg2 camping dulu..hehehe..mcm2 la beli..semuanya baru!..mcm budak baru nk masuk sekolah..hahaha.. 

this the bag that i used on that camp,

Deuter Speed Lite 360 30L

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What is Edibility Test?

ok guys..this is not copy & paste only..but this is what i know about Ebility Test..

Definition :
 Drastic times call for drastic measure. If u ever find urself stranded in the wilderness for several months without food,u're going to have to figure out how to feed urself. U can survive for at least a month with nothing but water,u will lose about 20lbs. However, this is not a suggested fat diet,once you start eating again,u will probably put most of the weight back on. If u're well prepared and knowledgeable about the area, u should have no problem finding edible plants,but if u are near death,and cant't otherwise positively identify a safe plant to eat,follow these guidelines to test for edibility.

Steps !

1. Avoid ever having to use this method without careful planning.
- Some plants can be deadly, and even if u follow these guidelines perfectly,these is always a chance that a plant will make u seriously ill.

2. Find a plant that is plentiful.
- U don't want to go through the rigorous process of testing a plant if there's not a lot of it to eat.

3. Abstain from eating or drinking anything but purified water for 8 hours before the test.
- However,if u have to use this method,this step will probably be unavoidable.

4. Seperate a plant into parts.
- Some plants have edible parts and poisonous parts.
- Check if one part ( leaf,stem, or root ) of one kind of plant is edible.
- After u have seperated the plant into parts,inspect each part u are preparing for parasites.
- If u encounter worms or small insect inside the plant,discontinue the test with that sample and consider seeking a different sample of the same plant.

5. Find out if the plant is contact - poisonous.
- A contact - poisonous plant is one that causes a reaction merely by touching ur skin.
- Rub the selected plant part on the inside of ur elbow or wrist.
- Crush it so that the sap touches ur skin,and hold it there for 15minutes.
- If the plant causes a reaction in the next 8 hours, do not continue testing that part of the plant.

6.Prepare a small portion of the plant part.
- Some plants are poisonous only when raw,so it's a good idea to cook the plant part u are testing if possible.
- If u can't cook the plant or if u don't anticipate that u will be able to cook it in the future,just test it raw.

7. Hold a small portion of the prepared plant part against ur lip for 3 minutes
- Do not put the plant in ur mouth.
- If u notice any burning,tigling,or other reaction,discontinue testing.

8. Place another small portion of the plant on ur tongue
- Hold the plant on ur tongue without chewing for 15minutes.
- Discontinue testing if u notice any reaction.

9. Chew the plant and hold it in ur  mouth for 15minutes.
- Chew the plant well an do not swallow.
- Discontinue testing if u notice any reaction.

10. Swallow the small portion of plant.

11. Wait 8 hours.
- Do not eat or drink anything during this period except purified water.
- If u feel sick,immedieately induce vommiting and drink plenty of water.
- Discontinue testing if u experience any adverse reaction.

12. Eat 1/4 cup of the same kind of plant part prepared the same way.
- It is critical that u use exactly the same part of exactly the same kind of plant,and that u prepare it in exactly the same way as  u did the initial sample.

13. Wait an additional 8 hours.
- Abstain from any other foodexcept purifeid water.
- Induce vommiting immediately as above if u should feel ill.
- If no reaction has occured, u may assume only that particular part of the plant is safe to eat,and only as prepared during test.

14. Begin a new test,if the plant part u have chosen fails any of the tests.

thats all..tq..